List of names, last names, and postcodes to practice IELTS spelling section 1

Noelia Ortega
2 min readMay 16, 2020

It is not a secret that IELTS section 1 could be a terrible deception if you miss one mark in the easiest section. How do they trick you? Somehow, it looks like they know the letters that together are easy to confuse. For instance, expect to listen to the number 8 and the letter A during a postcode spelling, likewise expect to listen to the combination of the letters A, E, and I.

I struggled immensely with some last names in Section 1, which gave me an awful headache. So, I started searching for a list online. Unfortunately, all I could find were lists of common British names and surnames, such as ‘Smith,’ which, even for a non-native speaker like me, didn’t pose any real challenge.

Since I couldn’t find a useful list, I decided to create my own by practicing with the official IELTS materials. To my surprise, I began noticing patterns, such as ‘leigh’ and ‘ley.’ (Please let me know if you discover more patterns or feel free to add your own.) Just one point can make a significant difference in the score you aim to achieve. Instead of passively accepting the challenge, I chose to invest my time in improving my spelling skills.

Names and last names

1. Brass

2. Ardleigh

3. Urwin

4. Haise

5. Unger

6. Vijay

7. Paresh

8. Tung

9. Maughan

10. Arbuthnot

11. Paynter

12. Godfrey

13. Buckleigh

14. Hiddleston

15. Hewitt

16. Kavanaugh

17. Gemborough

18. Riverquay

19. Domain

20. Fernsby

21. Gormley

22. Kynchley

23. Reed

24. Gratingham

25. Bythwaite

26. Ricart

27. Alton

28. Harries

29. Marshall

30. Handsworth

31. Sanders

32. Hornby

33. Ilford

34. Ratchesons

35. Manuja

36. Bhatt

37. Ludlow

38. Cowley

39. Eshcol

40. Pargetter

41. Charlton

42. Turnner

43. Jones

44. Orion


  1. BS89PU
  2. WE58GF
  3. PE97QT
  4. DBR29
  5. WC2D5JB
  6. PA57GJ
  7. AQ459
  8. AD5659837JC6
  9. 4040AC
  10. 50924C
  11. BA26AY
Knowledge is power

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Noelia Ortega

This blog portraits my IELTS journey as a self-taught student. Please take my essays to develop vocabulary and your idea bank. Good luck! :)