You recently discovered that there are plans to construct an airport in your locality. Write a letter to the local authority. #IELTS

Noelia Ortega
2 min readJan 31, 2021

In your letter:

  • explain how you knew about the plans
  • describe the negative effect of the construction on your neighborhood
  • suggest a possible solution to the problem.

Questions and samples related to the topic “COMPLAINT, CONSTRUCTION”:

Dear, Mr. Winters

I am writing to express my concern and disagreement with the reported construction of a new airport in Coast Beauty.

I am the leader of a non-profit organization, The Lungs of the Earth, and yesterday we were informed that you are planning to build on a national protected area.

A plethora of detrimental outcomes can be found in your plans. Firstly, Coast Beauty is the neighborhood with the highest rate of endemic spices. Affecting the area could lead to the loss of our legacy as the country with the widest biodiversity in the Caribbean. Furthermore, Coast Beauty is the preferred area for retirement. Thus, you would be affecting individuals who are avoiding sound contamination.

It could be a great idea to build the airport on the South Coast. According to our team’s in-depth research, you could take advantage of some aeronautical routes from the south. We do not have any airport there, unlike Coast Beauty which has one 45 minutes away.

I hope you can consider our suggestions, as they are only aimed at protecting Coast Beauty.


Molly Sanders

Hey you! “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt



Noelia Ortega

This blog portraits my IELTS journey as a self-taught student. Please take my essays to develop vocabulary and your idea bank. Good luck! :)